If you are sexually active and have missed a period, you might be pregnant. Common symptoms of early pregnancy include nausea, breast soreness, and fatigue. You will need to take a pregnancy test or have an ultrasound to be sure that you are pregnant.
When can I test for pregnancy?
You can take a pregnancy test from the first day you missed your expected period and onwards. Before your that date, the level of hormones produced by the pregnancy are too low to show up on the test and you might test negative even though you might actually be pregnant.
How to calculate how long have you been pregnant?
If an ultrasound is performed, the doctor can tell you exactly how long you have been pregnant. The doctor can also estimate the length of the pregnancy without using an ultrasound. A pregnancy test cannot provide this information. You can also make a reasonable calculation of about how long you have been pregnant. You must figure out when the first day of your last menstrual period was, include that day, and start counting up until today.
Pregnancy Test Calculator
Use this Pregnancy Test Calculator to determine how long you have been pregnant.