How to know if the abortion pill worked
Many people know if the abortion pill worked because they feel the symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, tender breasts, need to urinate) going away or they see the embryo come out.
Should you have an ultrasound after abortion pill?
Within a few days of the abortion, you can learn whether the medicines have worked and if your pregnancy has ended by having an ultrasound. An early ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy has ended, but it is best wait for 10 days after using Mifepristone before having an ultrasound because only 23% of abortions are totally complete after 7 days. [1]
Should you take a home pregnancy test after abortion pill?
Three weeks after taking the abortion pill, you can take a urine home pregnancy test to learn if the abortion pill worked. You must wait for the three weeks because the pregnancy hormones are still in your body and the test might show an unreliable, falsely positive result.
What if you have a positive pregnancy test after abortion pills?
If the pregnancy test is still positive after 3 weeks, it is important to get a medical evaluation right away as you may have an ectopic pregnancy, which can be dangerous.
Recovery period after abortion pills
Your body might need several days or weeks (until your next menstrual period) to expel the tissue and blood completely. The ultrasound will show what is still in the uterus. Some doctors will recommend a vacuum aspiration, but if you have no pain or fever or signs of infection, it is better to wait and let your body empty naturally. A vacuum aspiration or a D & C is an invasive procedure that involves risks and can be painful.
[1] Bar-Hava I, Aschkenazi S, Orvieto R, et al. Spectrum of normal intrauterine cavity sonographic findings after first trimester abortion. J Ultrasound Med 2001; 20:1277– 1281.