Where to buy abortion pills in the USA?

With more states imposing restrictions to abortion access in the USA, more women turn to the internet to buy abortion pills. There are several companies and organisations that now offer this service. Some only offer the abortion pills in the states where telemedicine is allowed, some send the pills from abroad, and some don't answer their emails within 24 hours.
Aid Access can provide abortion pills to all 50 US states. the helpdesk answers all emails within a few hours, the FDA approved abortion medicines are prescribed and provided by a team of USA doctors and are shipped within a day.

Aid Access was founded in 2018 by Dr Rebecca Gomperts.

Dr Gomperts has received many awards and recognition for her work around the world to create access to safe abortion services since 25 years. Rebecca's work is portrayed in the documentary Vessel, which can be seen on Itunes and Amazon. (here is the trailer on youtube)

She founded the first online abortion services almost 20 years ago and has published numerous scientific papers about the safety of online abortion services together with researchers at Karolinska University and Texas University. For her work she was mentioned on the Times 100 list of most influential people of the world 2020, Glamour women of the year 2022, and 2023 Forbes 50 over 50.

Aid Access provided over 200.000 online abortions to women in the USA since its start in 2018. We make sure the service is in line with the most recent research and guidelines. Women get an answer to their emails within a few hours and the medicines are shipped within a day, so that women don't have to feel anxious and know that help is under way. 

Because of our 20 years experience providing online abortion care we know how you feel and what you need to feel safe and supported.